You said your name was weightloss? Wait a minute...yeah, I think I do remember you. Doing the skinny thing? Coming off pound by pound? Inch by inch? Yes, I know you. We met about three years ago? Or five? Or eight? Or ten? It's been a while. I remember that. Eating right, exercising, getting motivated. It's all coming back to me now.
Oh, I loved that feeling, when clothes would fit and I didn't have to suck it in. My stomach was where it should be and not six inches out from my waist. I actually felt good, headaches were less. No stomach pain. Clearer skin. Those were good times. Yep. Good times.
Why, exactly, did we stop being friends? You were tired of me bad mouthing you? You didn't like it when I cursed you for not showing up at the scale. I can understand that. But some weeks, you should have been there and you just weren't. I did everything you asked of me and then when the time came, when it was important to me, you just didn't show. That wasn't very nice of you.
Well, I'm sorry. You showed up sometimes when I hadn't been good, or I hadn't been working hard and that just sent me the wrong message. Do you know what it's like to work like that, to do everything right and then nothing? I don't need friends like that.
But I'm glad you're here now. I could sense that you were coming. I felt lighter, somehow. I thought, before I stepped on that scale, this time...this time you'll show up and we can be friends again...I was right. Thanks.
Stick around this time, would you? I like having you around. You're my newest best friend. We'll go everywhere together. We could even go to that brownie place, you know, the one you got kicked out of? They don't talk about you there. You're bad for business.
That's what got me here in the first place, you say? That's not nice. Fine. Be that way. I'm going to go hang out with my friend weight gain instead. At least she's fun. Until she doesn't get the message and she keeps hanging around too long. Like the last time.
O.K., you're right. I'll stick with you. I'll forgive you for the last few years. It's my fault too, I know. I'll be a better friend from now on. Come on, let's go have a salad with fresh tomatoes, purple peppers from the farmer's market and bibb lettuce. You know you want to. Come on!