Wednesday, September 23


That's about how I feel. I am &%*&(($*%& MAD. Once again, it is the scale. I have been nothing but good for the last two days. Felt pretty good about myself yesterday, I was down 13 pounds. Felt like I was actually getting somewhere, finally! I've been bouncing around the same numbers for two weeks and WOW, here was a new one.

Cut to this morning. Feeling all good. Know I've been good, made good choices. Get on the scale.

What the F***?

Again, there is it. That stupid number I really don't ever want to see again. The one that has been haunting me for the last two weeks. WHY? WHY? WHY? I'm asking. Why? I don't get it? Am I not eating enough? Does my body think I'm starving? Stupid body. Isn't it obvious we're not starving here? Can't you tell from all the extra fat stores that we wouldn't start wasting away at least until we've been out of food for a month. Come ON! Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I'm calm now. Sorry about the rant. Really, it makes no sense. I will probably eat some chocolate today. Have wine with dinner. Go a little nuts in the snack department. And then tomorrow, the scale will be down again and I'll have learned that I do better when I cheat than when I'm eating right. Crazy.

Wine? Anyone have some wine? I could probably use it about now...

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