Wednesday, March 4


It is a sad state of affairs when I have an obsession with a 17 year old vampire from a book. What is it about these Twilight books? I don't even have a teenager, just a tween, and she's certainly not reading these books anytime soon. My "Twilightcrack" dealer got me hooked on them. Thanks, T. I've read them all. Seen the movie. Visited the website. Checked out YouTube. Listened to the soundtrack. Looked at the cast photos. What is up with that?

I'm a happily married, for 15 years, mom of two. I have a life. I'm busy. I go out, with people. I have hobbies. Why? What am I missing that makes Edward and his life so fascinating?

I have a theory.

We are the last generation that grew up on the idea that a man might be the key to our happiness. I'm not saying that it is true, or that is how all women were raised. But, are the women my age not one of the last generations to read the "maiden saved by prince charming" type books? Cinderella, Snow White? Slowly and by some degrees I remember that ideal changing as I was growing up. We were learning to be self sufficient. Learning that we could be anything we wanted to be. Or, at least told that, even if it wasn't always true.

Think about the movies now, the animated movies - like Mulan, or Shrek - where the main female character can hold her own. She doesn't need a man. They are individuals who happen to fall in love, but don't need it to survive.

We're the generation that was allowed to be a girl but could do boy things if we wanted. Our mothers paved the way for many of us to work outside the home, but many of us have chosen to stay home mothering instead. We've had it both ways. And Edward reminds of us of that "swept off your feet" feeling. That passionate young love that will burn you up inside if you let it. We are still enchanted by that. And that is why, at least for me, Twilight is my obsession.

I'll keep it around for a little while. It's a giddy feeling. And it's just enough to help me forget all the rest for just a bit. Who doesn't need that?


  1. WHAT??? You have been writing your blog and haven't told me? For shame.

    Now I'm off to catch up on all your posts.

  2. WHAT??? You have been blogging and haven't told me? For shame!

    Now I'm off to catch up on all your posts.

  3. I was talking to "M" and she agrees (as I do) in the "young love" theory. How wonderful to be swept off your feet, to not care for just a few moments and not to know what the other person is thinking (good or bad). I think it's romance right? Ahh, first loves... Anyone have any theories on how to get this back or are we oh so happy with where we are?

  4. Oh, sorry Ser. It's just been the last week or so.
