Tuesday, November 4

Election Night extravaganza

I'm up past my bedtime. It's not unusual. With all the excitement in the air, it's hard to sleep. Two other families joined us today for a special election night dinner. Adults and kids nominated food choices and then we all voted. It was a great way for the kids to feel involved and learn about the power of their vote, how it feels to win and how it feels to lose. The kids had a great time and the adults were guardedly giddy.

Now, hours later, with a very strong lead, Barack Obama has been declared the next President of the United States. Awed. I am awed, happy, amazed and ready for change. There was a great sign held up by someone at one of the network shots "Bush, you're fired." That works for me.

So, here's my dilemma...my 93 year old grandmother is probably going to have an apoplectic fit when she finds out that Obama won. My staunchly Republican parents will undoubtedly not enjoy my joy at the election results. So, I am stuck. I feel for my grandmother who, sadly, thinks Obama is a muslim. I don't know how she will react to the election. She's not quite in her right mind and doesn't process information like she used to. Could this information actually kill her?

My children, obviously raised in a Democratic household, will be thrilled when they find out Obama won. But, it is more than winning. It is the thrill that we will have a president who has the power and the desire to bring our country together and make America a respected world power again.

I am excited, hopeful, ready to rest. I await a call from my parents.

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